中国的挑战 - 3亿老年人

中国将成为全球老人最多的国家, 老人的人口百分比将在2050年超过发达国家!

  • 衰老带来的疾病包括癌症,糖尿病和心血管病是中国健康3大杀手
  • 在中国过去的10年里, 医疗的开支增长要比GDP增长高5-10个百分点。
  • In the last 20 years, China has improved health delivery services and achieved noteworthy success in health outcomes.
  • China has greatly reduced child and maternal mortality and rates of infectious diseases, invested in expanding health infrastructure, and ensured near-universal health insurance coverage. 
  • After lifting more than 600 million people out of poverty in the past three decades, China now faces slower growth, an aging population, and a surge in non-communicable diseases. 
  • In the past decade, healthcare costs grew at a rate of 5 to 10 percentage points higher than gross domestic product growth. At the same time, with higher economic growth and personal incomes, people are demanding more and better health care. 
  • Those factors have led to rising healthcare costs. Yet the slowdown in the economy will make it difficult to keep up with the current level of growth in health spending. 
  • Decades ago, China’s innovations in health – barefoot doctors and community health care, for example – showed the world it was possible to improve the health and greatly increase the life-expectancy for hundreds of millions of people.
  • China can once again lead the way with cutting-edge primary health care by enacting reforms that put patients first and shift away from expensive hospital care.
  • The World Bank’s new joint report with the Chinese government and the World Health Organization recommends the country shift away from its current hospital-centric model, which rewards volume and sales, to one focused on health outcomes that is centered on primary care and offers better value for money.
  • According to the study, without reform, health spending would increase in real terms from 3.5 trillion yuan in 2014 to 15.8 trillion yuan in 2035—an average increase of 8.4 percent per year. Health spending would account for over 9 percent of GDP in 2035, up from 5.6 percent of GDP in 2014. More than 60 percent of the projected growth in health spending would come from increased inpatient services in hospitals. 
  • The report proposes practical, concrete steps toward a value-based integrated service model of healthcare financing and delivery.
  • The study estimates it will take China about a decade to fully implement the proposed reforms and reach full scale.
  • If carried out, these reforms will improve the healthcare system for all Chinese people—or one in every six people in the world.

英国的机遇 - 一万亿英镑的市场

  • 整个中国医疗大健康市场是10万亿人民币, 其中包括医院建设2.9万亿,医疗器械2000亿, 和药物645亿
  • 英国投资总署在一份报告中总结到:2015年英国生命科学出口中国总额是10亿英镑(90亿人民币),预计在2020年达到20亿英镑。中国医院建设给英国公司带来巨大的机会


8 项大投资 - 标的公司在不同阶段

Department for international trade - 超过10亿英镑投资

  • 海尔 & Laboratory
  • 康龙化成 -Quotient Bioresearch & MSD UK Hoddesdon site
  • 科瑞天诚和上海莱士-BPL
  • 海普瑞&其基金 -Kymab
  • 万孚生物 -Atlas Genetics
  • 艾兰得 -Brunel Healthcare Manufacturing Limited & Biocare Limited





  • 帮助英国企业在进入中国前完成融资
  • 加强英国研发,帮助技术转化到中国,给到中国去的英国企业提供培训和帮助
  • 帮助英国企业获得中国药监局认证,帮助医药城企业招募国际人才
  • 帮助英国企业销售市场推广到中国和亚洲其它国家
  • 在中英两国同时全球化, 超越实验室和合作方(海通银行,中华投资人俱乐部等)会帮助中国企业完成在英投资,海外并购,这样给英国企业提供更多的资金


  • 英国获得大概3个月的培训
  • 短期的创业课程,包括语言,商业,科技和中国的社交技能
  • 博士水平的双语导师
  • 专业的顾问解决金融,法律,税收等问题
  • 英国中华工商联和中华投资人俱乐部的鼎力支持


  • 1千万的研究经费
  • 开放的创新方向包括生命科学和医疗技术
  • 中国医药城坐落在江苏省,毗邻上海
  • 中国医药城可帮助寻找共同申请基金的中国合作伙伴并提供支持
  • 登记的截止日期是6月21号


  • 超越实验室拥有很多专家,是专业的顾问公司,协助中国医药城在英国设立孵化中心
  • 老龄化和慢性病是全球危机,医疗市场空间巨大
  • 中英需要对方,中英合作能创建一个非常好的商业的生态系统
  • 中英第一个专业医疗孵化中心由中国医药城,超越实验室和众多的合作者一同创建。孵化中心提供短期培训,技术转移等服务帮助英国中小企业融资和进入中国
  • 中英合作攻克人类疾病和建设更好的医疗体系